Distributed Computing


The distributed computing research infrastructure is coordinated in a partnership with Portugal through the Iberian Grid Infrastructure (IBERGRID, NGI-EGI). IBERGRID federates and operates distributed computing and data resources across the Iberian area https://www.ibergrid.eu. IBERGRID is based on the infrastructure coordinated by the National Grid Initiative in Spain, and INCD in Portugal. The infrastructure relies on the EGI federation services to federate at European scale. In EOSC IBERGRID provides core services for the ESFRI LifeWatch, generic infrastructure services, training for user induction, and support to the development and deployment of innovative services for researchers in the EOSC https://wibergrid.lip.pt/site/eosc-portal/. It is a Spanish-Portuguese Network governed and funded by a stakeholder party (RPOs, Universities, or Public Partnership).



The Supercomputing in Spain is mainly managed through the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES). The RES is included in the catalogue of Unique Scientific and Technic Infrastructures (ICTS). It is managed by the BSC-Nacional Supercomputing Centre, it is a distributed virtual infrastructure of 14 nodes and 11 supercomputers contributing to the total processing power available to the scientific community: These supercomputing facilities are based in BSC, CESGA (Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia), CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas), IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias), IFCA-CSIC, UMA (Universidad de Málaga), UV (Universidad de Valencia), UNIZAR (Universidad de Zaragoza), SCAYLE (Centro de Computación de Castilla y León), CSUC (Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya), CénitS (Centro Extremeño de Investigación, Innovación Tecnológica y Supercomputación), UAM (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Nasertic (Navarra de Servicios y Tecnologías S.A.) y el Port d’Informació Científica (PIC).

Research and Education Networks


The Spanish Academic & Research Network (RedIRIS) operates in close collaboration with other research and education networks, both regional and international (GÉANT), RedIRIS provides its users with very high-capacity connections and services that are especially relevant for e-science projects, such as digital identity, security and shared cloud services.

Data services

In Spain there are numerous facilities that provide and display scientific data for use in research. Many of these facilities are part of the map of the 70 centers with Unique Scientific-Technological Facilities and of the 48 centers included in the map of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). Recolecta provides access to 142 resources, and provides an advanced search that enables filtering by repository, document type, language, production date, author (name or ORCID), title or editor, among other fields, redirecting to the catalogue that stores the research object. There is no additional provenance information rather than the one provided by the catalogues.

On the other hand, the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) manages a scientific data preservation service through competitive calls. In its first year, it has granted 7.5 Petabytes of storage to 18 projects from different disciplines through the resource provider nodes of the RES.

Scientific Repositories

Recolecta (Open Science Harvester) is a Platform that brings together all national scientific repositories in one place and provides services to repository managers, researchers and decision-makers. It is governed by the collaboration between the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Network of Spanish University Libraries (REBIUN) promoted by the Conference of Vice-Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). It is funded by FECYT.

As of July 2021, Recolecta integrates 151 repositories (80 of them open), providing a validation procedure that allows repositories to self-assess their degree of compliance with international interoperability guidelines and identify erroneous records, a collector that adds the metadata of the repositories that are part of the RECOLECTA community on a weekly basis and a free and open-access search engine.

On the other side, DIGITAL.CSIC is the institutional Open Science repository of the CSIC that gathers more than 210.000 research registers from 165 centres. Despite this repository mainly includes scientific publications, it is remarkable that it provides access to nearly 12.000 scientific datasets from a wide range of scientific disciplines. Data in the repository has to fulfil the publication policy, which includes quality guidelines.